In my experience trying to play through this loss of
motivation is counter-productive so I use these breaks to mess about with other
games. Then after finding these games inferior
to Malifaux my desire to play resets. That's how it was this time, after a few months inactivity I woke up one morning a week back refreshed and raring to go.
The only problem with not playing Malifaux for any extended
period is how quickly your skills degrade. I've been playing less an eighth of the rate
of games I need to be sharp, so right now I'm slow and my moves are
clumsy. I'm in the process of sharpening back up and aiming to be more than competent again soon.
For the main topic of this post I wanted to very briefly
overview some of the games I've messed about with while I've been taking a
break and what I think of them;
Dropzone Commander; This is a really fun game. If you were looking for a 10mm SciFi version of Malifaux
this would be it. My only criticism is it's one of those games where
you roll low numbers of D6s, and as a result the variance is higher than I'd
like. If you can cope with that though
give it a whirl. The minis are a dream to paint.
Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins; I love me some Space Hulk, and this game
shares a lot of DNA with that seminal title. It's also got some great ideas of
its own, a cool board, and stunning minis.
The deal breaker though is the rule book, which has the quality of writing you'd expect from a free PDF home brew rule set.
It's so bad that I'm actually offended Prodos Games had the nerve to ship the game with the rules in this state. When I grumbled about this on twitter they tweeted me asking what
rules I was confused by, when I politely told them they chose not respond. That's the last
time they'll receive my custom.
Hearthstone; As a reformed cardboard crack addict (read MtG player) this one hooked me pretty quickly and suspect I'll keep playing it. It's a fantastically fun and tactical digital CCG. It has some truly elegant game design and a monetisation model I could appreciate even while it emptied my bank account.
That's it for this post. I'm lining up a few more blog posts at the moment, aiming for
shorter three to five hundred word posts quickly covering a key topic. So check
back soon for some more gaming ramblings...
1 comment:
Totally agree on dropzone commander fantastic game.
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